People are asking for it. They want things to be different. In the world of finance that is certainly true.
Though change can take many forms. More regulation of lending is the new reality. Everyone knows credit is harder to come by now.
However, some change can be destructive. Particularly when people don't have a clear vision of what that change entails. What do they want the end result to be?
The one thing that can change the way financial world works today is through knowledge. Knowledge obtained through a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of finance and how it impacts everyone's short and long term financial health. Knowledge puts you at the centre of your financial world. Knowledge can prevent you from merely reacting to the world around you. Instead you can be proactive and engage with it.
That is what Money Skill BuildingTM is about. Giving people the tools to engage with the financial world around them. They gain knowledge of the tradeoffs involved in making financial choices. They also gain confidence in understanding the financial logic that permeates popular media. They feel more confident in engaging with their financial professional as the planning process becomes a two way street.
This blog will look at topical issues in finance. Money Skill BuildingTM will make them relevant and more importantly accessible to the reader. Money Skill BuildingTM will highlight key takeaways from each post. That way the reader can build on their understanding by taking a class or a seminar on future topics. I welcome your input and questions. Money Skill BuildingTM and the curriculum is all about interaction. No talking heads or sound bites. It's back to the classroom but the classroom is filled with discussion and mutual support. A far cry from the dry lecture room some of you remember.
Money Skill BuildingTM is not a web-based curriculum. Web-based problem sets merely reinforce what is taught in the classroom. Then the answers are covered in the classroom.
So come along and see what lively discussions we will have. And remember Money Skill BuildingTM is not about what you don't know. It's about wanting to learn.
Want to know more? Go to our website. or email us
Anne Fitzsimons
t/a Money Skill Building
Money Skill BuildingTM does not represent or sell retail products or endorse any specific provider of such products. MSBTM earns no remuneration, commission, fee or other reward as a result of any particular decision, by anyone attending such event and arising out of such attendance, to use any particular retail financial product or any specific provider of such products. MSBTM strongly suggests that participants seek out the advice of a qualified financial professional in putting together their individual financial plan.